T-Rex: I know EXCLUSIVE FACTS that nobody else in the universe knows. Facts that I will take to my grave!! Facts like...
T-Rex: ...what I was doing a week ago at this precise time??
Dromiceiomimus: I doubt it, dude! You MIGHT remember a week ago, and could probably GUESS at a year ago, but the further you go back in time the more uncertainty there is. Facts like these are forgotten all the time, and the further you go back, the less and less there is to know!
Utahraptor: And one day ALL will be forgotten in a dead and frozen universe!
T-Rex: DAMN, man!
T-Rex: I WANTED to think about fun secrets I know, but now, NOW, I'm thinking how everyone will die and everything we accomplished will be lost! Now I have to go for a long walk and think about mortality! Frig, man! I had plans today, and they weren't to be forced to call in sick with existential dread!!
T-Rex: If I had a job my boss would be So Cheesed!!
T-Rex: Frig!