T-Rex: As Wayne Gretzky, who like everyone else that I know is a dinosaur only this one plays hockey well, said... you miss 100% of the shots you don't take!!
T-Rex: And it's TRUE.
T-Rex: Similarly, you can't be hurt by 100% of the relationships you never enter into!
Dromiceiomimus: Wait, I'm not sure -
T-Rex: And you're never bored by 100% of the books you don't read!!
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, no --
Utahraptor: You don't feel challenged by 100% of the injustices you ignore!
T-Rex: It's TRUE!!
Utahraptor: No, I was trying to illustrate why what you're saying is BAD.
T-Rex: Hey! You don't have to do ANY hard self-examination with 100% of the criticisms you willfully misinterpret!!
T-Rex: Thank you Dinosaur Wayne Gretzky, I feel free, I feel so free