T-Rex: My hard-core vegetarian friend has decided to start eating meat for six months!!
T-Rex: It's because of her low iron levels, but that's not important right now!
T-Rex: She hasn't had meat her entire adult life and now she doesn't know how to cook it or what to buy or what's good or anything! She's a babe in the FLESHY WOODS, and wants someone to guide her through the WONDERFUL WORLD OF MEAT.
Dromiceiomimus: Oh my god. It's the job you were born to do.
Utahraptor: So where are you gonna start?
T-Rex: I can't decide!
T-Rex: Do we stick with bland dishes, like tofu-style boiled chicken breast? Do we dive into the deep end of the meat pool and serve up a charcuterie platter of brains and organmeats?? DO I DARE SHARE THE SUBLIME BRILLIANCE OF BONE MARROW, KNOWING IT WILL FOREVER CHANGE HER LIFE??
Flier: 〚with an arrow pointing at a picture of T-Rex〛 HELLO IT'S ME, YOUR FRIEND T-REX
Flier: 〚red〛 I heard you want to start eating MEAT. I want to help you feast on the Lesser Animals
Flier: 〚blue〛 I will teach you how to prepare their Skin and which of their Muscles to Chew
Flier: 〚pink〛 Did you know that you can even Swallow the insides of their Bones??
Flier: 〚gold〛 **I will show you how to soak their Bodies in SAUCES**
Flier: I will watch you Eat and then Join In