T-Rex: I think that comedy goes bad after a while! I don't think I've EVER laughed at a joke that's more than two hundred years old.
T-Rex: Screw you, comedy!
T-Rex: It's not just that jokes get dated, but that whole standards for comedy shift, I think. Stuff that was edgy fifty years ago is old hat today! We can recognize HOW it was supposed to be funny, but there's comedic writing from a hundred years ago that goes right over our heads today, simply because we don't have the cultural context to recognize that jokes are being made, that parody and satire are taking place. Ouch for those guys! Ouch for us in 200 years!
Utahraptor: Well, most everything changes with time, T-Rex!
T-Rex: I guess!
T-Rex: But I think comedy changes more than most. We can read serious writing from centuries ago and the arguments are WAY more accessible than any jokes.
Utahraptor: I guess that's true, but I'm sure there are also "stupid people do stupid things" jokes that are pretty timeless.
T-Rex: Oh man, I never told you! One time, I saw a stupid guy nobody likes eating too many bananas!!
Off panel: Hah hah! Why'd he do that?
T-Rex: 'Cause he was dumb!
T-Rex: Dumb for BANANAS.