T-Rex: Here is a hypothetical situation: let's say I'm married and going to have a child (with my assuredly hott wife)! What should it be named?
T-Rex: MY position is that babies should be named after old girlfriends!
T-Rex: Not only does it allow excellent names to be redistributed to new children, but as we have more kids we'll catch up, and eventually one will be named after my wife! It evens out! Everybody wins!
Dromiceiomimus: Except for the kids who are born male.
T-Rex: They can be named after my wife's ex-boyfriends. As you can see, I've thought of every possibilility!
Utahraptor: Are you really into all your ex-girlfriends that much?
T-Rex: They all had quite excellent names!
Utahraptor: How excellent are we talking about? I bet they were named "Cheeseball" and "Chuggy G".
T-Rex: Those are terrible names! Those are names you give to cats that you don't like.