T-Rex: Shocking news, everyone: I just got a letter...
T-Rex: ...from MYSELF. It's a version of myself that's trapped in the past!!
T-Rex: And this letter contains a VERY precise list of things that I NEED TO DO, as soon as possible, to CHANGE our future!
Dromiceiomimus: Holy smokes!!
T-Rex: I know! I'm FREAKING OUT!
Utahraptor: Hold on. WAIT JUST A MINUTE here.
T-Rex: ...Yes?
Utahraptor: It's just - ALL letters are sent by someone living in the past to someone living in THEIR future, so that's actually super normal. Was this letter MAILED, T-Rex?
T-Rex: No, it was DELIVERED by HAND! Left for me in a place only my past AND/OR future self would KNOW I'd find it!
Off panel: ...You made a to-do list and left it on your counter, didn't you?
T-Rex: Utahraptor!
T-Rex: Life is as interesting as you make it, bud!