T-Rex: People say it's "not worth crying over spilled milk" and there's "no point crying about things you can't change", which raises the question:
T-Rex: What IS worth crying over?
Dromiceiomimus: If you cross "spilling milk" and "realizing the fact that you can always be made small and powerless in the face of an uncaring universe", I'm not sure what's LEFT, T-Rex!
T-Rex: RIGHT? If it's not worth crying about minor things, and it's not worth crying about major things... then that's the entire spectrum of things!!
Utahraptor: And yet, you still have a body that cries!
T-Rex: AND YET here I am, The Boy That Weeps!
T-Rex: Sure tears keep my eyes moist or whatever, but there's got to be SOME evolutionary advantage to my body broadcasting to the whole dang world when I'm upset. I have evolved to cry EMOTIONAL TEARS, and I will find out WHY I have these powers!!
Utahraptor: I wish you luck!!
T-Rex: Ah, of course! Tears allow me to congeal emotions into a waste liquid, which I then expel via my face not unlike a factory dumping ooze into a river!
T-Rex: Evolution truly is amazing.