T-Rex: Okay, I will concede that crying DOES have its purpose. But I'm not done complaining about my body yet!
T-Rex: Hah hah, I'm not even done complaining about bodies in general!!
T-Rex: COMPLAINT THE FIRST: blushing. Why do we blush? I'm already feeling embarrassed, and now that I can feel that I'm blushing, that only INCREASES my embarrassment! What's the evolutionary advantage in broadcasting my emotional state, which I have worked hard to keep at least RELATIVELY private, to the whole world??
Utahraptor: Well, like tears, they promote social bonding.
T-Rex: Explain!
Utahraptor: Tears show you're upset and need care. Blushing shows you're embarrassed, and what's more, that you're SINCERELY embarrassed. You can fake a smile, but we don't have conscious control over blushing - which could make it a signal of SINCERE shame or contrition.
T-Rex: Actors can blush on demand though.
Off panel: Aha, but the only way THEY do it is to recall embarrassment of their past SO VIVIDLY that they're ashamed once more, as if for the first time. And we PAY them to do this for our ENTERTAINMENT!
T-Rex: Hah hah hah!
T-Rex: We totally do!!