T-Rex: Wait a second...
T-Rex: ...there's WAY more fictional characters than there are real people!
Dromiceiomimus: That seems obviously true, but it's not like I'm gonna count.
T-Rex: If you're worried there aren't more fictional characters than real ones, just say "I hereby invent 10 billion fictional characters, all named 'Sassy Pete' and all with the same too-sassy-by-half personality" and you're there!
T-Rex: It's possible our greatest output as a species is fictional people!
Utahraptor: WEIRD.
T-Rex: Right? It makes me think we're just machines for inventing more real people (through reproductive sex) and orders of magnitude more fake people (through imagination)! But to what end? Why are we making up so many guys?? WHAT DOES THIS REVEAL ABOUT THE SECRET PURPOSE OF EXISTENCE??
T-Rex: Incidentally, I recently made up a guy who says "zowie wowie" INSTEAD of "wowie zowie"!
Off panel: We may need a quality threshold here before we worry about the secret purpose of existence.
T-Rex: "Zowie wowie!" That's what my new guy would say to THAT!