T-Rex: A "euphemism" allows you to refer to something without having to actually say it.
T-Rex: In this way, they are the pointers of language!
Dromiceiomimus: T-Rex, what do you mean by "pointers"?
T-Rex: Oh, they're a construct in computer science: a pointer stores the location in memory of the value requested, rather than the value itself.
Dromiceiomimus: Ah. So we're explaining a simple language concept via a complicated CS concept.
Dromiceiomimus: Terrific.
Utahraptor: Are there people who know computers but DON'T know euphemisms?
T-Rex: You know what? I CAN'T SAY.
T-Rex: But if there are, their eyes just lit up and they whispered in awe "oh my god, I understand this concept forwards and backwards now, and in this way my understanding is like a doubly-linked list."
T-Rex: Yep!!
T-Rex: That's another computer science concept!