T-Rex: Alright! Time for me to become...
T-Rex: Yes, time for me to become independently wealthy such that all my needs are met for the rest of my life no matter what I do, and, spurred by desire to avoid becoming bored, to then voyage into the deepest - and most adventurous - corners of the Earth!
T-Rex: Wish me luck!!
Narrator: LATER:
Utahraptor: How's the accumulating of wealth coming?
T-Rex: MAN!
T-Rex: It's hard. I'm not even at the point of buying a new fridge when I don't need one!! Which, as per an earlier discussion today, is now the bellwether of disposable riches.
Utahraptor: I remember, T-Rex. I was there.
T-Rex: Right, exactly!!
T-Rex: And I was there too, and then later I made a spur decision to become an adventurer, which will affect the rest of my life, and here we are now!
T-Rex: Busy day for us all, really