T-Rex: Wow!
T-Rex: It's sure been a minute since I stared at a painting and wept openly in the face of its beauty!!
T-Rex: Hey Dromiceiomimus, you wanna go to the art gallery? Maybe stare at some paintings? Maybe find one in particular and just stand enraptured as tears silently slide down our faces? Abstract, impressionist, whatever - I'm easy!
Dromiceiomimus: Sure, it's been a few days since I -- WAIT A SECOND! You've never done that before!! You're FAKING IT!
Utahraptor: Hey everyone! T-Rex is a big painting faker! He's never wept for beauty!!
T-Rex: Oh, it's true!
T-Rex: I look at paintings and I can sometimes muster a "neat shading" or a "wow cool boat" or a "sweet, that one's got Batman in it" but I've NEVER mustered a tear! I'VE NEVER BEEN MOVED TO TEARS BY PAINTINGS!!
Utahraptor: The first step is to admit it.
T-Rex: ...And the second step?
Off panel: To endure our mockery of your shallow, limited experience of beauty!! HEY EVERYONE! T-REX NEVER WEEPS AT GALLERIES!
Off panel: What a loser!!
Off panel: Hahaha! I'm ALWAYS crying at paint!
Off panel: I'm all "boo hoo hoo" and artists are all "Yes! GOOD!"