T-Rex: Rocketry is hard, and, it turns out...
T-Rex: ...mainly because of our heavy chonkster of a planet. We need dense, energy-rich fuel because SO MUCH FORCE is required to slip the surly bonds of (this absolute unit of an) Earth and touch the face of God! If our planet were lighter...
Utahraptor: ...we could reach space with rockets powered by, like, steam? Wood-burning stoves?
T-Rex: Hence T-Rex's Theorem of Space Aliens: space exploration is easier for life that evolved on light, marshmallowy worlds, and thus such aliens should show up way more often. And they should credit me when they do.
T-Rex: Every time aliens show up with wood-powered spacecraft in stories OR IN REAL LIFE, everyone should say "Behold, it is just as our greatest scholar, T-Rex, predicted."
Off panel: You make a lot of demands on, like, reality itself.
T-Rex: Yes! And you should too! It's great!!