T-Rex: Let's say you're a human!
T-Rex: I know, I know, it sounds like a nightmare without end, but STAY WITH ME!
T-Rex: As a human, you have on average TEN digits on each set of hands, and TEN MORE on each set of feet. This gives you - again, on average, TWENTY spaces large enough to tattoo a letter on! That's enough to spell out a complete SENTENCE. May I suggest" HEYHI SUPER NICE2 MEETU"?
Utahraptor: Actually, each human has on average LESS than ten digits across their hands.
T-Rex: Explain!
Utahraptor: It's just an artifact of averages. The average PERSON has ten, but each person has on average less than ten, because some humans are - whoopsie! - GONNA LOSE SOME FINGERS. This drags the average down, more than those born with 10-plus fingers drags it up.
T-Rex: Are averages... bad?
Off panel: Well... on average they're fine!
T-Rex: HEY!
T-Rex: I for one regret a lot of things about the way this conversation went and is!!