T-Rex: New things cost more, and older things cost less. This is as true in video games as it is in... cars, and I dunno, any other mass produced item?
T-Rex: So the question is, why are we buying NEW things?
T-Rex: I would save SO MUCH MONEY if I only saw movies that were 10+ years old, drove an old car, etc. HOWEVER, I would also feel like a big loser if all my friends were like "DUDE HAVE YOU CONSUMED THE NEW POP CULTURE THING YET" and I was like "DUDE NO BUT I'M GOING TO IN 9.999 YEARS THOUGH" and they were like "DUDE OH NO WAY OH MAN OH NO, NO WAY".
Utahraptor: So the solution is to start a utopian society that's always 10 years behind the times?
T-Rex: Yes! Oddly, yes!
T-Rex: If ALL of us are behind the times, then none of us are. And we'll save SO MUCH MONEY.
Utahraptor: Figure someone could make bank by sneaking current-culture contraband IN, thereby creating something not dissimilar to the drug trade, which could destabilize and then destroy your society!!
T-Rex: Dang man... you're right. Okay, you've talked me into it. I should definitely always spend $90 on the new video game I want.
Off panel: T-Rex -