T-Rex: One day there was a book where, if you read it, you became 5% kinder!
T-Rex: And of course, once people read this book, they were kind enough to share it with their friends!
T-Rex: Kindness swept across the world at the speed of reading! Before long, it became clear what was happening, and some people began isolating themselves from the book, preferring to protect their "unaltered personality" from whatever it was in the book that was changing people. These enclaves soon became aggressive in protecting themselves, running raids to destroy the book and its supporters.
Utahraptor: What is this a metaphor for?
T-Rex: Huh?
Utahraptor: I thought all good literature was a metaphor. What's this story actually about?
T-Rex: Oh. I don't write on that level. I write on the level of "wouldn't it be cool if this happened", and then, I imagine that and write it down.
T-Rex: In other words, all good literature may be a metaphor, but all GREAT literature is imagining what if a bunch of cool things happened!
Off panel: Hmm... I've never heard that before.
T-Rex: Yeah well all great literature is original too, so