T-Rex: Go to a country where homosexuality is outlawed, and you know what you'll sometimes see? Men touching each other casually! Men hugging!
T-Rex: Men walking down the street arm in arm!
T-Rex: You can get this perfect storm of the toxic "REAL MEN AREN'T GAY" idea colliding with "ALSO, SINCE LEGALLY HOMOSEXUALITY IS A FOREIGN PROBLEM AND CLEARLY DOESN'T EXIST HERE, WE DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT BEING MISTAKEN AS GAY, SO LET US HUG THIS OUT MY DUDE". And it can result in physically closer male friendships!
Utahraptor: Yeah, at the cost of outlawing AN ENTIRE SEXUAL ORIENTATION!
T-Rex: Oh sure!
T-Rex: I'm not saying it's GOOD. But I think it suggests a lot of men, consciously or not, avoid being too physical with each other so as to not appear gay. And I think we can do better!! All this to say: let's hug this out, my dude??
Utahraptor: Such a hug will feel weird and deliberate.
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: I'm ready when you are, my dude