T-Rex: In olden times people would go out at night! And they'd have a fun time with friends! And they'd stay up really late and get real sleepy!
T-Rex: Historical dudes: they're just like us!!
T-Rex: But instead of cars, they'd stumble onto their horses and fall asleep at the reins instead of the wheel, and then rather than crashing into a concrete wall and dying, they'd wake up safe and sound at their houses the next morning. Because the horse was alive and could make decisions and would be all "WTF, he fell asleep? I'm going home. WTF."
Utahraptor: Well, they'd wake up in a barn then.
T-Rex: Okay, true, but it's NEAR their house, right?
T-Rex: Worst case: they wake up snuggled next to their horse by some idyllic forest stream, blinking as sunrise filters through the light morning fog and Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite #1, Op. 46-1 plays.
Utahraptor: Is that the -
T-Rex: The "morning song" like from cartoons, yeah!
T-Rex: When I can wake up snuggled next to my car that loves me and eats carrots for treats, then finally we'll have recovered some of what we lost a hundred years ago. Also the cars should have cute names like "Abra CARdabra"!
T-Rex: Okay that's all I want from the future, well bye