T-Rex: You know what happens in movies that doesn't happen NEARLY enough to me, here in the movie Reality, Featuring Me: The 13.7-Billion-Year-Long Motion Picture Event You Won't Want To Miss?
T-Rex: (Though Whether Or Not You Miss It Is Not Really Up To You, Actually)
T-Rex: "Starts out with a bang, exposing us to a high-octane explosion of thrills, chills, and rapidly expanding space" - The Filmic Spectator
Dromiceiomimus: "In the end, the 7 billion simultaneous characters on Earth were far too many for me to even begin to keep track of" - The Globe Review
T-Rex: "Some very nice images pepper this film, though most are very similar shots of empty space" - Movie Reviewz 4 Youz
Utahraptor: Earlier there was a movie thing that you wished was in reality?
T-Rex: YES! Yes. Just - just let me do one more review.
T-Rex: "Some bold storytelling is on display here, although following a fully interconnected narrative through billions of years (and lives!) leads to a distinct sense of loss for the roads not taken." - Screenplay Magazine
T-Rex: Okay. Okay. I'm done now.
Utahraptor: Great. So what did you wa-
T-Rex: "Rated NC-17 for some impressively-varied scenes of explicit content, but haha, good luck finding them in all that empty space!!"
T-Rex: Tee hee!