T-Rex: I think I'll go visit some places overseas. Why not? I could plan a trip to the island nation of Australia!
T-Rex: The worst that could happen is ADVENTURES!
Dromiceiomimus: Why Australia, T-Rex? Are you intrigued by its myriad tourist attractions and locations of geographical splendour, including the Outback, coastal reefs, tropical rainforests, crocodile farms, and the beaches?
T-Rex: Not to mention the many stunning parks of natural beauty, populated by unique, rare and tasty animals!
Utahraptor: You know that Australia is really far away, right? Super far?
T-Rex: I know!
Utahraptor: It's just - you're closer to outer space right now than you are to Australia.
T-Rex: Seriously? Wow, I guess you're right, huh? Huh! Well, that really puts my travel plans in perspective.
Banner: Why visit Australia, when it's closer to visit outer space?