T-Rex: The Treachery of Images is entering the public domain next year!
T-Rex: That's that "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" painting! This one!
T-Rex: *ahem*
T-Rex: [[an image of "The Treachery of Images" by René Magritte (1898-1967)]]
Dromiceiomimus: ...Gross.
Utahraptor: T-Rex! Describing it so well that we can all see it, which is what you just did, is dangerous!
T-Rex: How so?
Utahraptor: THE PAINTING IS NOT YET IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN!! For the next few months, you could still be sued!
T-Rex: Hah! I scoff at dry, effete intellectual property laws!! I AM A REBEL WHO DOES WHAT HE PLEASES!
T-Rex: ...but of course only near the end of copyright terms, which limits my liability to such an extent that I am comfortable with the risk incurred.
Off panel: So badass!
T-Rex: Yes! My ass!
T-Rex: It is so bad!