T-Rex: If I ever choke to death, I can tell you this much:
T-Rex: I know what my last thought will be!
Dromiceiomimus: A loving thought to all your friends and family? A final goodbye to the world? Your whole life flashing past your eyes? Perhaps even a final regret that you can't stay for longer?
T-Rex: Bolus.
Utahraptor: "Bolus"?
T-Rex: Bolus!
T-Rex: It's the name of the small round mass created by chewing; it's what you swallow. Every time I almost choke, as the food is stuck in my throat and I can't breathe and I'm trying to swallow and stay calm and my brain is like "that's a bolus".
Utahraptor: Bolus.
T-Rex: Bolus.
Off panel: Are you worried that by telling me this, I might go to my grave thinking "bolus" too?
T-Rex: Nah!
T-Rex: See, YOU chew your food