T-Rex: You know the world event that's been going on the past few days? Well, great news everyone!
T-Rex: I've decided to become an expert in it!!
Dromiceiomimus: Oh phew! Thank you bud; it's gonna be great to have a local authority who can weigh in on a moment's notice on any and all elements of this world event!
T-Rex: No worries, friend! I am gonna post with confidence about even the most OBSCURE elements of the story!
T-Rex: You know what? I might even disagree with more famous experts on certain matters!!
Utahraptor: Love it! I can't wait!
T-Rex: Yes, things are certainly going to be different around here, once I acquire my expertise. And on that note, farewell!
Utahraptor: Huh?
T-Rex: Dude, expertise takes years to acquire. I'm off to school, then grad school, then to post-grad research!
T-Rex: There is a ton of detail and nuance I'm still learning, and I now know only that I know nothing!!
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: Feels kinda like a scam, really