T-Rex: Oh frig!
T-Rex: Oh crap oh dang!
T-Rex: Okay everyone, we need to lose weight PRONTO!!
T-Rex: First off, take off all your clothes. This is a cheat but if you normally weigh yourself clothed, you should lose a few pounds.
Dromiceiomimus: Next is to shave your entire body and remove your fingernails.
T-Rex: We are losing weight QUICK.
Utahraptor: Now, you may be wondering what time it is. I regret to inform you that it is Enema O'Clock.
T-Rex: With that weight expelled, we're on to more drastic measures. Got any optional organs left? An appendix, a backup kidney, a second lung? NOT NO MORE YOU DON'T.
Utahraptor: The clock is ticking and we are trying to lose weight quick!! Tell the surgeon to hurry!
T-Rex: Then you should go donate blood: you can easily lose half a kilo that way!
Off panel: Probably you should've done that before cutting out organs.