T-Rex: Ideas! There sure are a lot of them. And I suppose it's time to finally admit it...
T-Rex: I've actually had a few of them myself!
T-Rex: Ideas can be broadly categorized into two sets: good ideas and bad ideas. Unfortunately, there are MANY more bad ideas than there are good ones.
Dromiceiomimus: In this way, they are considered the opposite of dogs.
T-Rex: Everyone says so.
Utahraptor: How do you figure there's more bad ideas than good ones?
T-Rex: Oh, the proof is trivial!
T-Rex: Doing the OPPOSITE of what a good idea says to do is a bad idea, so for every good idea there ALSO exists a bad idea. But doing a really crappy job of what the good idea says to do is also usually a bad idea, so across the set of all ideas, bad ideas must outnumber good ones.
Off panel: Huh! I guess I can accept that. It also explains why acting totally randomly usually results in bad ideas too.
T-Rex: SPORK!!
Off panel: My case!
Off panel: She is rested!