T-Rex: It's a little satisfying to complete a little project.
T-Rex: And it's MORE satisfying to complete a LARGER project!
T-Rex: Therefore, the data suggests it would be TREMENDOUSLY satisfying to complete a tremendously large project. And if I spent my whole life working on a single project, and then completed it seconds before I die of being super old?
T-Rex: That's probably the greatest satisfaction it's POSSIBLE to feel!!
T-Rex: Plus, if you time it wrong and die BEFORE you finish your project, you're still good!
T-Rex: Because now you've unlocked an intensity of disappointment FULLY UNREACHABLE through other means!
Utahraptor: Alas: as we've already spent a fair chunk of our lives NOT working on a single goal, we will NEVER EXPERIENCE the ultimate form of disappointment.
Off panel: I'm disappointed, but I could be MORE disappointed.
T-Rex: RIGHT??