T-Rex: Doctors can just PUT PEOPLE IN COMAS and we're all walking around acting like this doesn't make them AMAZING SUPERHEROES.
T-Rex: Or perhaps...
T-Rex: ...super-VILLAINS??
Dromiceiomimus: Sure, but - medically-induced comas aren't something doctors can just DO by dint of being doctors. It's not like they have COMA-VISION or COMA-INDUCING PUNCHES.
Dromiceiomimus: ...No more than ANY punch is coma-inducing, I mean.
T-Rex: Wait, punches can be coma-inducing?
Utahraptor: T-Rex, they're BLOWS to the HEAD.
Utahraptor: Your body is just an exosuit for your brain, and your skull is just a hard case to protect it from impacts. We're all just weird squishy brains exploring the universe in biologically-grown encounter suits, and that is AMAZING.
T-Rex: Doctors can just PUT PEOPLE IN COMAS and we're all walking around acting like they haven't hacked into our ORGANIC EXOSUITS so they can, ON DEMAND, trigger EMERGENCY LOW-POWER STANDBY MODE??