T-Rex: I feel like life would be more interesting if I had a big lie that was slowly unravelling.
T-Rex: Just a big ol' lie whose cracks are growing inexorably larger every day, you know??
T-Rex: Fictional characters are doing that ALL THE TIME and THEIR lives are fascinating, so much so that I'm spending MY real life reading about them!
Dromiceiomimus: Watertight logic!
T-Rex: Logic rated to 200m depth!
Dromiceiomimus: 20 atmospheres of pressure and not a leak, buddy!
T-Rex: So first I thought, "fake girlfriend who lives in another town."
Utahraptor: A classic!
T-Rex: Right, but too low-stakes. So now I'm thinking either "hinting at a sordid past as a secret agent" or, and this is maybe the most fun, "pretending to be my own long-lost twin brother."
Utahraptor: It HAS been a while since we've dealt with repercussions.
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Hello, I am a twin recently arrived from - well, if I told you I'd make some very powerful people VERY unhappy!
Off panel: 〚small〛 Oh my gosh I never thought I'd get to say this in real life!