T-Rex: All right! Today's task: work on my dang personality!
T-Rex: I'm gonna become a more interesting AND popular person!!
Dromiceiomimus: Can you do that? Just... DECIDE to be more popular?
T-Rex: God, I hope so Dromiceiomimus! I really hope so! Because if not, then I'm in REAL TROUBLE, babies.
T-Rex: WOOF.
Narrator: LATER:
Utahraptor: T-Rex, it's the all new you! How are your opinions, bud?
T-Rex: Improved!
Utahraptor: Terrific! And your hobbies?
T-Rex: Unique AND fascinating!
Utahraptor: And let's hear about your conversational style?
T-Rex: As free flowing, smooth and refreshing as a mountain stream.
T-Rex: But let me ask about YOU, friend, which many people find flattering in conversation!
Off panel: Damn, do you have a great personality or just a system of rules that you follow to emulate one?