T-Rex: When I'm sad, I certainly wish I had some sort of anacampserote!!
〚no text〛
T-Rex: What's that, Dromiceiomimus? You have some comment on what I just said?
Dromiceiomimus: Uh - only that while I have nothing against using obscure words, if it were me I'd certainly use them in a context where their meaning could be deduced, thereby spreading them inclusively rather than using them as some exclusive marker of status!!
T-Rex: Oh damn!
Utahraptor: OH DAMN!!
Utahraptor: Now you really DO need an anacampserote, assuming it's some sort of, I wanna say... balm?? For feelings??
T-Rex: No, it's actually something that brings back a lost love.
Utahraptor: Ah.
Off panel: Well, if you loved NOT being dunked on by Dromiceiomimus, you need an anacampserote for that.
T-Rex: You're right, I do! And I won't perendinate on THAT!!
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...oh no it happened again