T-Rex: Every comic involving dinosaurs is someone's first comic involving dinosaurs! So with that in mind, perhaps you'll give me a moment of your time to pitch you on...
T-Rex: So basically, they're just comics, BUT: they have DINOSAURS in them.
Dromiceiomimus: This seems amazing.
T-Rex: Right? The advantage comics has over film is that it costs as much time and money to have something boring show up as it does to have a dinosaur appear, so you can have dinosaurs in your comics EFFECTIVELY FOR FREE.
Utahraptor: Does every comic have dinosaurs?
T-Rex: Sadly: no.
T-Rex: Some artists insist on drawing much less interesting things, like humans and feelings. Others draw only slightly-less-interesting things, like aliens and spaceships. In these cases, usually the spaceships RESEMBLE dinosaurs, which makes sense.
Utahraptor: Indeed.
T-Rex: Also not all dinosaur comics end in a joke but a lot of them do