T-Rex: Every comic is someone's first comic! So with that in mind, perhaps you'll give me a moment of your time to pitch you on...
T-Rex: Okay, hopefully you've been reading left to right and top to bottom and arrived here. What you need to know is that comics are great and each panel represents a single moment in time that the artist has chosen to highlight.
Dromiceiomimus: Only they're not really "moments" at all!
T-Rex: That's true - THIS panel lasts a long time because we're saying a lot!
Utahraptor: And
Utahraptor: that one lasted a short time because there was only one word in it. However, word-FREE panels can have an indefinite, timeless quality to them.
T-Rex: Can you demonstrate?
Utahraptor: No. It's embarrassing.
T-Rex: Come on man, it's easy! You just stand still and don't say anything, like
T-Rex: this!
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...FRIG