T-Rex: One of the greatest things you can have in this life is self-knowledge, and I have realized something very important about myself. I am fully and completely incapable of believing that anyone truly thinks the Earth is flat!
T-Rex: And yes, I know you can find tons of people online who argue that the Earth is flat, but CONSIDER THIS: maybe they're trolling?
Dromiceiomimus: All of them? Without exception?
T-Rex: Rationally I know that sounds insane, but in my heart of hearts I know: they all gotta be trolling, right? THEY HAVE TO BE.
T-Rex: And if they're not, then everything I've long believed about our innate decency is WRONG!
Utahraptor: High stakes!
T-Rex: MAYBE, but I truly cannot accept that a rational person could SINCERELY BELIEVE the Earth is flat. This flat Earth thing just HAS to be some weird performative Andy Kaufman stuff, and one day all the Flat Earthers will admit they were all just HAVIN' A LAUGH and DOIN' A BIT.
Off panel: T-Rex, I have a Flat Earther here who says he's doing it sincerely!
T-Rex: It's an unconscious bit!
Off panel: He says he's sincere!
T-Rex: Alas, that's precisely what someone who has unconsciously dedicated their entire life to doing a bit would say