T-Rex: Hercules - who was the strongest man there is and therefore really strong - grunted. Lifting up this mountain made of solid rock was challenging even HIS strength!
T-Rex: "Errgh," he grunted, just like I said!
Dromiceiomimus: Hold up: a mountain? Herc's not THAT strong. He's "lift up a cow, no problem" strong, SURE, but a mountain's a whole other class of strength.
T-Rex: Dromiceiomimus, I just said he's the STRONGEST MAN. Superman can lift up mountains, THEREFORE, Hercules can lift up mountains too! Q.E.D., yo!
Utahraptor: But doesn't Supes extend his biofield to stop the mountains he's lifting from crumbling apart?
T-Rex: I dunno! SOMETIMES?
Utahraptor: Yeah he does. So without a Kryptonian heritage, Herc can't do the same! THEREFORE, his feats are limited to the tensile strength of whatever material he's lifting, and lifting mountains is out.
T-Rex: You know what? Fine. FINE.
T-Rex: Hercules realized he never lifted the mountain after all and then millennia later, this dude Utahraptor was super chuffed at this boring story.
Off panel: yaaaaay