T-Rex: Apparently some people have trouble with being an adult?
T-Rex: Hah hah, not me though!!
T-Rex: Okay honestly I don't know how you need help with this. It's the easiest thing in the world, ESPECIALLY since aging happens automatically to everything that fails to die. Just wait around and you'll become an adult eventually, people! Congratulations, you are now adult! You are being an adult now, and we're done here.
Utahraptor: I was hoping for more "how to live a deep, fulfilling life in a world you feel lost in"!
T-Rex: Oh! OH.
T-Rex: Geez, well. I got no tips on that. I mean, I've tried video games; they're pretty good. When you beat a video game it's PRETTY fulfilling.
Utahraptor: So your tip for "how to live as an adult" is "play more video games".
T-Rex: Yes! But you have to be good at them too.
T-Rex: If you are an adult who is bad at video games, then I don't know what to tell you.
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...Some people have kids??