T-Rex: FACT: senior citizens are fragile. You can't shove them around or nothing!
T-Rex: FACT: babies are fragile too! They're like - glass people!
T-Rex: So we start out fragile and we end up fragile, but there's this sweet spot in the middle where we've got massively awesome skeletal integrity and sweet muscles and it's FULLY POSSIBLE for us to ramp motorcycles off boats successfully. Our bodies are ready.
Dromiceiomimus: And have you ramped any such sick rides off boats?
T-Rex: NO!!
Utahraptor: You'd better do it soon, dude! Clock's a-tickin'!
T-Rex: I keep meaning to, but I'm also super busy with all my ADULT RESPONSIBILITIES. Why have we structured society so that that as soon as you can do all the awesome stuff, you're WAY TOO BUSY to actually do it? We should get years 20 to 40 off, inclusive! Youth isn't wasted on the young! GOING TO WORK IS.
Off panel: I'm you from the future, T-Rex! I'm an ancient senior now and everything hurts, but I still have to work every day!
T-Rex: Do you regret anything?
Off panel: Hah hah, no man! We ramped bikes off exploding boats!!
Off panel: What the hell kind of question is that anyway