T-Rex: The world wakes up to find continental drift has sped up a hundred thousand times! Instead of moving centimeters a year, continents will now be kilometers away from where they were a year ago! Maps are redrawn almost constantly!
T-Rex: Things are suddenly awesome!!
T-Rex: Oceans appear and disappear in a single generation! Continents collide and divide within living memory! International relations are much more complicated, given this new reality of constantly-shifting natural borders. Land disappears into the earth's core so fast you can almost watch it happen.
T-Rex: Also I guess some buildings fall over when the tectonic plates speed up!
Utahraptor: Just SOME buildings?
T-Rex: Lots of buildings? But the focus isn't on the initial disaster!
T-Rex: Varied, interconnected disasters now threaten civilization itself: ocean currents change, weather and temperate zones shift drastically, volcanic eruptions become commonplace. We're talking GENERATIONS of slow, sustained catastrophe! Man! I'm super excited to make this movie!!
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Apparently what I should've said is that I'm super excited to spend YEARS working on developing the skills, funding, and personal network necessary to create this movie??
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: Yaaaay reality