T-Rex: Mammals have it pretty great! I gotta admit: I'm kinda jealous of them sometimes!
T-Rex: What with all their hair and whatnot!
Dromiceiomimus: You're seriously jealous of mammals, T-Rex?
T-Rex: Just their body hair, Dromiceiomimus! Not only can they style it so that one mammal can look totally different from another mammal, but it's gotta be the most amazing way to lose weight. If you're too fat: no problem! Just squeeze out some hair and cut it off. Instant weight loss!
Utahraptor: I'm not sure hair works that way.
T-Rex: Come on. You know PROBABLY it does.
T-Rex: The only place that the energy and matter needed to produce body hair can come from is through food! Bottom line: that's a VIABLE WEIGHT-LOSS VECTOR that I simply don't have.
Utahraptor: But you've got fingernails, right?
T-Rex: Holy crap! I DO
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: I cut off my fingernails, but they were only a few grams and took weeks to grow back! It also didn't help that I chewed them up into a crunchy paste before I swallowed them though.
T-Rex: Okay I need to start keeping some thoughts to myself, like, ASAP