T-Rex: Utahraptor and I enter a bar, him dressed mostly in black and me dressed mostly in white. We sit at opposite ends of the bar.
T-Rex: I order a drink for the angriest-looking lady in the room!
T-Rex: Utahraptor orders one for her too, only his drink is slightly fancier than mine. And we go back and forth, upping the ante, sending over fancier and fancier drinks, until we're sending over full bottles of champagne!
Dromiceiomimus: And then?
T-Rex: And then we send over food! Nachos! Fries! CHICKEN WINGS.
Utahraptor: So now this angry woman is surrounded on all sides by chicken wings.
T-Rex: And booze, yeah!
T-Rex: And she'll be so happy! It's IMPOSSIBLE to be angry when surrounded by chicken wings!! It's impossible, Utahraptor. I tried it.
Utahraptor: So we're cheering up a random woman at some expense, but at the end, we probably all get to eat wings together. Alright, I'm in! Let's do it!
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: What was an angry prohibitionist chicken-rights activist doing in a bar anyway?!
T-Rex: Maaaaaaaan