T-Rex: Cyborgo Linefeed, who was half bio-life and half dot-matrix printer, gasped! He had just encountered his enemy...
T-Rex: ...Cyborgo Newline!!
T-Rex: "We're conceptually very similar", Newline said. "Agreed," said Linefeed, adding, "That's probably how come we hate each other so much: we see in the other the things we try to hide, and in so doing realize they're heartbreakingly obvious. In each other we see what we truly are."
T-Rex: "Yeah, for sure," said the other one, also named Cyborgo.
Utahraptor: Hey T-Rex!
Utahraptor: You ever think about how since you're alive in the present, whatever you're doing is technically currently the ultimate culmination of ALL LIFE ON EARTH? You ever think about that stuff?
T-Rex: Oh hell, ALL THE TIME. Especially as I'm writing!
T-Rex: As Linefeed kissed Newline, Cyborgo to Cyborgo, (they liked each other now) the two of them buzzed in that really loud way that old dot matrix printers did.
T-Rex: THE END...?