Off panel: Don't tell anyone, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Don't worry! I'll take this secret...
T-Rex: ...TO MY GRAVE.
Dromiceiomimus: Ooh, what secret are you taking to your grave, T-Rex?
T-Rex: Can't say! But I CAN say it's not actually that juicy, and I am taking twenty-three million secrets to my grave.
Utahraptor: What do you define as a secret?
T-Rex: Anything that isn't public knowledge!
T-Rex: And if I never share it before I die, I take it to my grave. What I had for breakfast is another secret I'll take to my grave, by the way.
Utahraptor: Toast?
T-Rex: Yeah, it was toast.
T-Rex: Frig, now I'm taking 22,999,999 secrets to my grave. You thought that suspiciously-round number of 23 million was an estimate, but it WASN'T!
T-Rex: It's REAL and keeping that tally accurate consumes ALL MY FREE TIME