June 5th, 2006
this one goes out to all the brothers who have taken back some of the things they've said about civilization
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The haps: The Small Press Book Fair in Toronto was a lot of fun! I picked up some CRAZY books, including one that's entirely done on a typewriter and is about wars. It looks promising. This weekend it's New York City!

International orders are (finally!) up and running for the oh-so-sexy Dinosaur Comics: the book!. You just need to add "overseas shipping" to your order and you are SET. Check out the book here!

I had a dream this morning about an office that slid out of its building and flew around before joining a giant airship with about seven other offices that had already docked into individual ports. Upon waking I was sad that I worked from home when I could be working in an office like that. WELCOME TO MY WORLD

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