T-Rex: Two words that are homophones sound the same but mean different things!
T-Rex: For instance: the word "awful" (really bad) and the word "offal" (butchered entrails)!
T-Rex: To begin: my stomping on this manner is a sorted little affair! Take soulless in the fact that at leased ewe are knot being chaste as well!
Dromiceiomimus: Why don't you chews to do something else? That would be good gnus to me!
T-Rex: I will here nun of it!
Utahraptor: I don't get it!
T-Rex: I'm saying weird homophones!
Utahraptor: Yeah, but you're not writing them down, so it sounds normal. Pretty normal, anyway. It sounds a little like you're speaking with a weird accent.
T-Rex: I was speaking in hilariously inappropriate homophones! IT WAS EXTREMELY HILARIOUS.
Narrator: THE END