T-Rex: You know what's better than school? Not being in school but still learning!
T-Rex: Yes indeed! I have decided to become AUTODIDACTIC.
T-Rex: This means that I eschew formal schooling and learn on my own terms at my own pace, Dromiceiomimus! I learn things that interest me and don't rely on someone else to tell me what I should and should not know.
Dromiceiomimus: Didn't you graduate years ago?
T-Rex: Shhh!
Utahraptor: Hey, why are you setting up learning on your own and learning in a classroom as opposites?
Utahraptor: It's not like you can't do both! Learning is learning, and some ways work better for some people.
T-Rex: Well, I've also incorporated into my autodidacticism a distrust of schools as inefficient, repressive institutions. It's part of my new "damn the man" persona!
T-Rex: I can demonstrate, my friend! Ask me where I picked up a word like "autodidacticism"!
Off panel: Where'd you pick up a word like "autodidacticism"?
T-Rex: Not from any SCHOOL!