T-Rex: Oh man, I'm still a little tired from last night!
T-Rex: Time to go and get some HEARTY MAN SLEEP!
Dromiceiomimus: "Hearty man sleep"?
T-Rex: Damn straight, Dromiceiomimus! I am recently ALL ABOUT adding "man" in front of things to make them sound all the more manly. You should see me man snooze! I man snooze with a pure MAN FURY.
Utahraptor: Does this work for "woman" too?
T-Rex: Possibly!
T-Rex: But I definitely have no interest in finding out! All I want to do today is have lots of man naps and stomp on things with my stern man foot.
Utahraptor: That's your call, I guess!
Off panel: By the way, "man naps" sounds pretty suggestive!
T-Rex: I know, but I can't figure out a way to stop that!
T-Rex: I live with my man failings.