T-Rex: I sent an email to some dude today, and it came back with a verification message I had to reply to in order to prove I was "legit"!
T-Rex: Stupid whitelist spam protection systems!
Dromiceiomimus: Huh? You don't like spam protection systems?
T-Rex: Not these ones! They're inherently flawed, assuming you ever want to hear from someone you don't already know. If two strangers have a whitelist system, then either they can never talk to each other, or they still get spam!
Utahraptor: They'll still get spam?
T-Rex: Of course!
T-Rex: Because if verification emails can get through, then it won't be long until spammers send messages that look enough like them to also get through. There's still a hole! And if you seal it, you miss real verification emails.
Utahraptor: I guess so. Anyway! Let's go play TOUCH FOOTBALL!
Narrator: SOON:
T-Rex: I'm open! I'm open!
T-Rex: I'm open!