T-Rex: Blood! Many of us drag ourselves through this world with literal LITERS of the stuff sloshing around inside of us EVERY second of EVERY day -
T-Rex: - but have any of us ever stopped to ask WHY??
T-Rex: Obviously, no - we all assume we've done something to deserve to be cursed with a body SO FILLED with juice - but thankfully, scientists have! And they have determined that if you drag yourself through this world WITHOUT literal litres of the stuff sloshing around inside of you, then you die. Yes, blood is needed not to die, which is how come our bodies take it with us wherever we go!
Utahraptor: It always amazes me how you can make even correct information sound wrong.
T-Rex: Not me! I'M USED TO IT!
T-Rex: I'll ask myself, "self, why the sun yellow?" and I answer "it's not, the sun's white, but for some reason we all REPRESENT it as yellow in art and fiction across cultures, and nobody really knows why."
Utahraptor: Wait, WHAT??
Off panel: Okay, so there's competing theories as to why, but since it's a sociological question it's impossible to say with absolute certainty.
T-Rex: ...So?
Off panel: ...So nobody REALLY knows why, DAMN IT