T-Rex: It's hard to be smart! Too hard, actually. So I'm throwin' in the towel!
T-Rex: As of TODAY, I am out of the being smart business!!
T-Rex: But I AM in the "ways to FAKE being smart" business. If you've got a hot tip on how to look smart while actually being kinda slow, but like in a charming way, in a way everyone likes and thinks is cool, hit me up!!
Utahraptor: Oh, this is easy!
T-Rex: Wait, really?
Utahraptor: Dude, VERY few people are smart.
Utahraptor: We're all faking it! One thing I do to fake it is to demand that all extraordinary claims have extraordinary proof. Most don't, so it prevents me from believing in all sorts of non-smart stuff - and all I have to do is say "Hmm... that doesn't seem very likely, does it?"
T-Rex: Come on! A zinger that somehow makes you seem smart AND protects you from fake ideas, all at once? One measly APHORISM doing all that? Doesn't seem very likely, does it?
Off panel: Now you're catching on!
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...oh my gosh