T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes, who was this world's tenth-best detective (we're on an alien world), felt scozzoned (we're also in the future and there's new future emotions).
T-Rex: He'd never been so completely throoded before (also in the future there's new verbs)!
T-Rex: As he moves his yondi-2 (new nouns, too) over the draak (lots of new nouns to be quite honest) he couldn't help but notice how its do?k?a (there's new consonants too, and emojis are consonants now) was ?✔️?ing wildly (you can make words entirely out of emojis in the future; it's actually legally mandatory in some jurisdictions ESPECIALLY if you haven't paid for the Full Latin DLC.)
Utahraptor: Your worldbuilding here, awkward though it is, is WAY more interesting than your Sherlock story!
T-Rex: Really!
Utahraptor: Yeah man: you've not only built a new orthography, but also posited a future in which LETTERS are somehow bought and sold as add-on packs, which raises a ton of questions! How's it enforced? Can anyone read DLC sentences, but needs to pay to create them? And who do they pay? How did this dystopia develop?
T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes couldn't answer these questions, and so he turned to his world's #1 best detective: CYBORG ALBERT EINSTEIN!
Off panel: That just raises further questions!
T-Rex: Who, it's worth stressing, is a TALKING DOG in a BOWLER CAP!
Off panel: ...Go on