January 1st, 2024 
new rule: i get to reboot again tomorrow and steal utahraptor's cooler personality


The haps: The first comic of the new year! But it's not just a new comic, it's some NEW SITE UPDATES, including an on-site search engine! If you click "search" at the top you can try it out. Also, on January 1st there's going to be a new transcript button on the comic pages beneath the comic, so you've got that as an option too! This is all thanks to Jan Szejko who created a super cool transcript generator for Dinosaur Comics over the past while - and in so doing found a TON of little mistakes that had been lurking in the comics, sometimes for years. (Did you know I misspelled "Dromiceiomimus" a few times several years ago?? Well NOT ANYMORE!) So I want to sincerely (and publicly!) thank Jan for all their hard work here, and for the super slick code they produced. And the site is better because of them - thank you Janek! And have fun with the new search engine specifically for my talking dinosaur comic. :)

– Ryan

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